[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How will Pompano Beach be spending $181 million of your money?  We have updates for you on 25 G.O. bond projects.

In the special municipal election held last March, Pompano Beach residents voted to authorize the issuance of $181 million in General Obligation Bonds (G.O. Bonds) to finance the design and construction of 25 projects throughout the city for improvements to streetscaping, parks, traffic and public safety.

Below is a complete list of the projects that are or will be happening throughout the city.  Below that you will find the complete schedule of meetings and a link to an interactive map so you can see which projects are happening in your neighborhood.

Pompano Beach G.O. Bonds Project Updates





A1A Improvements $16,940,000 1 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Undergrounding overhead utilities on A1A from Hillsboro Inlet to Terra Mar Drive to reduce power outages during storms and improve the aesthetics of the corridor. Improvements to include widening sidewalks, bike lanes, traffic calming, lighting and other streetscape improvements.


Amphitheater Renovations $3,500,000 2 Contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Construct an open-air shade structure over the amphitheater seating area built in 1990, including new bathrooms, audio/video, stage lighting and upgrades to ticket booth and concession stand.


Beach Lifeguard Headquarters Renovation $1,430,000 1 Contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Enhance public safety on the beach by replacing four (4) older, outdated lifeguard towers and modernizing the existing Ocean Rescue Building.


Centennial Park Improvements (Sample McDougal House site) $1,100,000 2 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Construct an open-air facility for special events, including City-sponsored and resident events, such as weddings, quinceañeras, bar/bat mitzvah’s, parties, anniversaries, receptions, fundraisers and family reunions.


Collier City Neighborhood Improvements $3,000,000 5 FPL is working on design plans. Staff expects plans to be ready by July. This project entails analysis, topographic surveying, procurement of necessary easements, design, and installation of light fixtures throughout the Collier City area. This 450-acres neighborhood with approximately 5100 residents and is in need of additional street/pedestrian lighting. The proposed lighting will not only serve to beautify this section of the City, but will also provide for improved safety conditions. In 2010, the Community Redevelopment Agency conducted a survey and 90.6% of survey respondents requested improvements to street lighting due to safety concerns (over 72% of the residents participated in the survey). This initiative will address lighting deficiencies and populate areas that lack tree canopy.


Dixie Highway Improvements $24,860,000 2, 3, 4 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Upgrade the Dixie Highway corridor from McNab Road to Sample Road, including roadway crossing improvements, bicycle lanes, medians, sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, street furniture and other streetscape improvements.


Fire Station #114 $6,200,500 5 City Commission approved first reading on Ordinance on March 12. The second reading was postponed to April 23 to finish contract documents. Construct a new fire station to be located at the corner of SW 36th Avenue and McNab Road to reduce response time and enhance fire and emergency services to the area which will include land acquisition and a new 2-story, multi-bay building.


Fire Station #52 $5,800,000 5 City Commission approved first reading on Ordinance on March 12. The second reading was postponed to April 23 to finish contract documents. Replace the existing, outdated 41-year old fire station that services Palm Aire and Collier City with a new fire station to reduce response time and enhance fire and emergency services to the area which will include a new 2-story, multi-bay building.


Fire Station #61 in Northwest Community $5,800,000 4 City Commission approved first reading on Ordinance on March 12. The second reading was postponed to April 23 to finish contract documents. Replace 38-year old fire station located at NW 3rd Avenue south of Copans Road with a new fire station to reduce response time and enhance fire and emergency services to the area which will include a new 2-story, multi-bay building.


Fire/Emergency Ops Center $18,810,000 4 Staff continued negotiating scope and contract. Issues tha remain to be resolved include siting and timeline. Construct a new Fire Rescue and Logistics Complex to include an Administrative Center, Emergency Operations Center, and a Fire and EMS distribution center with storage space for emergency apparatus, along with land acquisition for a public parking garage to be located in the Downtown Pompano Transit Oriented Corridor (DPTOC).


Fishing Pier Replacement $9,000,000 1 This G.O. Bond item is a reimbursement only. Reimbursement is complete. Replace existing fishing pier located at 222 N. Pompano Beach Boulevard with a new higher and wider pier to include pedestrian lighting, shade structures, fishing stations and a bait and tackle shop.


Kester Park Improvements $1,452,000 3 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Modernizing this 26-year old park by expanding the playground, open fields, ball fields, replacing dug outs and installation of perimeter fencing.


Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Reconstruction $6,600,000 4 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Street improvements along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard from NW 6th Avenue to I-95, including paving, related drainage and water and sewer facilities within streets, sidewalks, medians, lighting, landscaping, street furniture and other streetscape improvements.


McNab Road Improvements $10,805,375 1, 3 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Replace functionally obsolete bridge on McNab Road and beautifying McNab Road corridor between Federal Highway and South Cypress Creek Road, paving, related drainage improvements, sidewalks, bus shelters and benches, lighting, landscaping, street furniture and other streetscape improvements.


McNair Park Renovations $10,647,000 5 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Expand, renovate and equip this multi-functional facility to include lighted synthetic football/soccer field, running track, tennis court, basketball court, playground with water features to include splash pad, meeting rooms, concession and senior center.


Mitchell Moore Park Improvements $1,396,000 4 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Upgrades to this facility built in 1991 will include replacement of a grass field with synthetic (field turf), a new scoreboard, additional bleachers and shade structures over the bleacher area.


NE 33rd Street Improvements $5,975,000 2 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Improvements along NE 33rd Street between Dixie Highway and Federal Highway to include but not be limited to overhead to underground utilities conversion, lighting, irrigation, landscaping, traffic calming, brick paver enhancements, curbing, drainage modifications, paths for shared uses, pavement resurfacing, street furniture and other streetscape improvements.


North Pompano Park Improvements $3,190,000 2 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Upgrades to football/soccer field, playground and park, including land acquisition for expansion.


Palm Aire Neighborhood Improvements $3,850,000 5 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Improvements at two bridges spanning the C-14 canal and to the Herb Skolnick Center, including lighting, landscaping and sidewalks.


Public Safety Complex $6,600,000 3 City received a “Draft” proposal and exchanged notes with the design team. A final negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 10. Staff will prepare an agenda item for Commission approval in May.


Renovate interior space of Public Safety Complex located at 100 SW 3rd Street and 120 SW 3rd Street. 7/24/20
SE 5th Avenue Bridge Improvements $2,450,000 3 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Improvements to or replacement of SE 5th Avenue Bridge, built in 1959, based on FDOT’s Bridge Management System report which includes recommendations for repairs to the deck and superstructure as well as substructure components to be replaced which includes pilings and jackets.


Senior Citizens Center $8,000,000 4 City received a “Draft” proposal and exchanged notes with the design team. A final negotiation meeting is scheduled for April 10. Staff will prepare an agenda item for Commission approval in May. Construct new senior citizens center to handle increased demand for senior programs in the northwest sector of City. An upscale building will be constructed on property that needs to be acquired.


Terra Mar Drive Bridge Improvements $1,400,825 1 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Improvements to Terra Mar Bridge, built in 1981, based on FDOT’s Bridge Management System report which includes repair and replacement recommendations for the deck, superstructure, and substructure.


Ultimate Sports Park $4,521,000 4 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. A new skate park, soccer/football field and concession/restroom building to be located adjacent to Apollo Park at 1580 NW 3rd Ave.


Youth Sports Complex $11,088,000 3 Design services contract approved by the City Commission on March 26. Nest step, prepare for first public presentation. Multi-use fields for youth sports and activities to include land acquisition, to be located at 700 NE 10th Street, the former Elks Club property, near Community Park. 9/10/20
Totals $174,415,700

Pompano Beach G.O. Bonds Public Meetings Schedule

First Public Outreach Meeting
Monday, April 15th McNair Park Renovations McNair Park Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, April 17th McNab Road Improvements and McNab Road Bridge Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Moday, April 22nd Fire Station #114 and Fire Station #52 Herb Skolnick Community Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, April 24th Collier City Neighborhood Improvements Collier City Civic Association 6:00pm
Monday, April 29th Mitchell Moore Park Improvements E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 1st Youth Sports Complex – Centennial Park – Amphitheater (Update Only) Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Thursday, May 2nd Terra Mar Drive Bridge – Ocean Rescue/Lifeguard Stations (Update Only) Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Monday, May 6th Fire Station #61 E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Tuesday, May 7th North Pompano Park Improvements Highlands Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 8th Ultimate Sports Park E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Monday, May 13th Fire Emergency OPS Center Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 15th Dixie Highway Improvements Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Monday, May 27th NE 33rd Street Improvements Cresthaven Civic Center 6:00pm
Tuesday, May 28th Public Safety Complex – Kester Park Improvements Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 29th Palm Aire Herb Skolnick Community Center 6:00pm
Monday, June 3rd Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Construction E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Tuesday, June 4th SE 5th Avenue Bridge Improvement Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 5th A1A Improvements Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Second Public Outreach Meeting
Monday, June 10th McNair Park Renovations McNair Park Civic Center 6:00pm
Monday, June 17th North Pompano Park Improvements Highlands Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 19th McNab Road Improvements and McNab Road Bridge Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Monday, June 24th Mitchell Moore Park Improvements E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, June 26th Collier City Neighborhood Improvements (tentative) Collier City Civic Association 6:00pm
Tuesday, July 2nd Terra Mar Drive Bridge Improvements Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, July 3rd Fire Emergency OPS Center Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Monday, July 8th Ultimate Sports Park E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, July 10th NE 33rd Street Improvements Highlands Civic Center 6:00pm
Monday, July 15th Kester Park Improvements Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, July 17th Dixie Highway Improvements Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Thursday, July 18th Youth Sports Complex – Centennial Park (tentative) Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Monday, July 22nd SE 5th Avenue Bridge Improvement Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, July 24th A1A Improvements Public Library – Cultural Center 6:00pm
Monday, July 29th Fire Station #61 – MLK Boulevard (update only) E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm
Wednesday, July 31st Palm Aire – Fire Station #114 and Fire Station #52 (FS update only) Herb Skolnick Commuinty Center 6:00pm
Tuesday, August 6th Senior Citizens Center E. Pat Larkins Center 6:00pm

Emma Lou Olson Civic Center – 1801 NE Sixth St, Pompano Beach

  1. Pat Larkins Community Center – 520 NW Third St, Pompano Beach

Public Library – Cultural Center – 50 W. Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach

Herb Skolnick Community Center – 800 SW 36th Ave, Pompano Beach

Highlands Park & Recreational Center – 1650 NE 50th Ct, Pompano Beach

You can check out an interactive map to see where in Pompano Beach the projects will be happening in your neighborhood.

This story was prepared by our Pompano Beach news desk with additional  event info provided by the city of Pompano Beach and their websites.

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