VIRTUAL CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: After cancelling public in-person meetings due to the coronavirus crisis, Pompano Beach will be holding its first virtual City Commission meeting on Tuesday, April 28, at 6pm. Lighthouse Point will be conducting its second virtual City Commission meeting on Tuesday, April 28, at 6:30pm.
Both Pompano Beach and Lighthouse Point have posted detailed instructions on their websites regarding how members of the public can view and participate in the virtual City Commission meetings.
Anyone wishing to speak (via telephone) on an agenda item of the Pompano Beach City Commission meeting must pre-register by 7am the day of the meeting. The meeting can be viewed in the normal manner, on Comcast Ch. 78 live and via rebroadcast as well as through live streaming and archive on the City’s website at www.pompanobeachfl.gov.
Members of the public can view and participate in the Lighthouse Point City Commission meeting using the virtual meeting platform Zoom.
In addition to attending the meeting via Zoom online, there is also an option to access the meeting using Zoom by telephone, which is audio only.
Lighthouse Point will be accepting public comments via Zoom online and by telephone during the meeting, and by e-mail until 5:30pm the day of the meeting.
Pompano Beach will be holding virtual City Commission meetings until further notice. The virtual meetings will be held on the regularly scheduled days and times, which is the second Tuesday of every month at 1pm, and the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6pm.
The last time Pompano Beach held a City Commission meeting was on March 10.
Lighthouse Point held its first virtual City Commission meeting on April 14, and plans to continue its virtual meetings through at least the end of May.
Complete instructions on how to view and participate in the Pompano Beach and Lighthouse Point virtual City Commission meetings can be found by clicking on the city names below:
The instructions are also listed below, exactly as they are posted on each city’s website.
April 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
The City of Lighthouse Point will be conducting a Virtual City Commission meeting utilizing communications media technology (“CMT”), in accordance with Governor Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order No. 20-69, related to conducting local government public meetings while under the public health emergency related to the spread of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). To protect the public health, safety and welfare of the community, the City of Lighthouse Point municipal offices are closed to the public and City Commissioners may attend the meeting utilizing CMT.
The normal City Commission agenda outline will be followed. This meeting will be broadcast live for members of the public to view using the Zoom virtual meeting platform, and can be accessed via the following link:
Password: 815517
Note: The video camera display feature is disabled for public use.
Join the meeting via telephone by calling one of the following phone numbers: US: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 924-0276-7501
Password: 815517
For more information on using Zoom, please visit Zoom Support at the following link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us.
Persons who wish to make public comment during the City Commission meeting must submit a request via email to the City Clerk at joh@lighthousepoint.com by 5:30 p.m. the day of the City Commission meeting. The email must contain your name, address, telephone number, and agenda item you want to comment on; or identify the subject matter if it is not an agenda item. Additionally, please identify if you are attending by Zoom or telephone.
When addressing the City Commission during public comments, please begin by stating your name and address for the record. Persons desiring to provide public comment may do so by one of the following options:
Via Email: Comments may be submitted by email to the City Clerk at joh@lighthousepoint.com by 5:30 p.m. the day of the City Commission meeting, and shall be made a part of the public record.
Zoom Video Participation: If attending via Zoom and want to make public comment, click “raise hand” on the bottom of the “participants” tab when your name is called and your audio will be unmuted. You must be preregistered with the City Clerk by 5:30 p.m. the day of the meeting in order to make a public comment.
Zoom Telephone Participation: If attending via Zoom telephone and want to make public comment, press *9 to “raise your hand” when the last four digits of your telephone number is called and your audio will be unmuted. You must be preregistered with the City Clerk by 5:30 p.m. the day of the meeting in order to make a public comment.
If you require additional information about this City Commission meeting or have questions about how to submit a public comment, please contact: Jennifer Oh, City Clerk, City of Lighthouse Point, 2200 NE 38th Street, Lighthouse Point, FL 33064, 954-943-6500, joh@lighthousepoint.com .
Until further notice, to promote social distancing and avoid risk of additional community spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Pompano Beach City Commission Meetings will not be open to physical attendance by members of the public, the media, or general City staff.
The City Commission Meetings will be conducted remotely utilizing a platform for video and audio conferencing. The Elected Officials will participate individually and apart from each other in their offices at City Hall. City Staff will be participating remotely from their offices or from their home.
Interested parties can view the Commission Meeting on Comcast Ch. 78 live and through rebroadcast as well as through live streaming and archive on the City’s website at www.pompanobeachfl.gov.
Members of the Community who wish to participate in the meeting and speak on any item on the Consent or Regular Agenda must utilize the new remote public participation option. This option promotes social distancing, while still offering interested parties the opportunity to participate in matters coming before the City Commission.
In Order to Comment on an Item Remotely, Participants Must Have:
– Access to the internet (to register)
– A working email address (to receive your confirmation and dial in number)
– A telephone (to dial in to the meeting)
Speaking About an Agenda Item (Remotely)
– Anyone who wishes to address the City Commission remotely (via telephone) on an Agenda Item must pre-register by 7:00 a.m. the day of the meeting.
– When there is an upcoming Commission Meeting, the link to register will appear on the Commission Page when the agenda is posted.
– The link will direct you to a Registration Form
– All fields of information on the Registration Form are required.
– After submitting your registration online, you will receive an email confirmation. On the day of the meeting you will receive the telephone number to call.
– Normal Commission Meeting procedures such as the invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Audience-to-be-Heard will be suspended during the Virtual Commission Meetings process.
On the day of the Meeting:
– Participants must call the telephone number provided. They can call up to 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. The call will be answered and they will be put into a “Listen Only” mode, until the Agenda Item number they have signed up to speak about is called and the public input part of the item begins.
– When it is time for the participant to speak, the Mayor will direct the conference operator to unmute their line. The Mayor will ask the caller to introduce themselves and will remind the caller how much time they have to speak.
– Each remote participant will have three minutes to speak.
– Participants watching the webcast/broadcast from a remote location, must mute the speaker on the device they are watching the meeting BEFORE their line is unmuted to speak. This will prevent feedback on the webcast/broadcast. If there is interference or feedback on the call, the participant may be disconnected should the interference cause disruption to the meeting.
– Note there is a short delay between the live meeting and what is broadcast on Ch. 78 or web streaming
– When the speaker’s time expires, they will be placed on “Listen Only” mode and the next speaker in line will be able to participate, and/or the meeting will otherwise continue.
– At the conclusion of the participant’s comments, they can either hang up, or stay on the line and listen to the meeting.
This procedure shall be followed for any item on the Commission Agenda that includes public participation.
For more information regarding COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) website
For more Pompano Beach and Lighthouse Point news go to our website.
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