Members of the community will have an opportunity to provide their input regarding the development of the McNab House and Botanical Gardens during a virtual meeting hosted by the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 6pm.
Last March, the CRA relocated the historic McNab House and garage from 1736 E. Atlantic Boulevard to McNab Park, at 2250 E. Atlantic Boulevard, with the vision of transforming the structures into a new restaurant facility and the adjacent park to the west and south into a public botanical garden.
The interactive meeting on Dec. 1 will be led by the architects of the McNab House and Botanical Gardens project, Bermello Ajamil & Partners, who will present potential concepts being considered for the McNab Park site, and will gather public feedback for the park’s overall master plan design.
Anyone interested in viewing or participating in the meeting must register by Nov. 30 at 11:59pm via pompanobeachfl.gov/mcnab or by calling 954-786-5535. Those who register will receive an email from the Pompano Beach CRA the morning of Dec. 1 with instructions on how to join the meeting using Zoom.
The meeting is scheduled at 6pm in the hope of reaching more people after work hours and getting maximum public input, said CRA Director Nguyen Tran.
“We want to make sure that we get input from everyone on what they want to see, and what they don’t want to see, in the overall park design,” said Tran.
Some residents have voiced concern over the potential loss of the existing basketball court and tennis court located in the southern portion of the park. The two shuffle board courts in the northern portion of the park have already been removed, as well as a civic building that was used for community meetings and activities.
During the presentation made by the architects, attendees who access the meeting on a computer or via the app will be able to submit questions or comments through the chat message function for the meeting moderator.
The questions and comments submitted to the moderator for the architect team will be addressed during the presentation. Members of the public might also have an opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting,
Following the Dec. 1 meeting, all attendees will have one calendar week to submit any additional questions or comments to info@pompanobeachcra.com.
“The design team will start designing the master plan of the park based on all the public feedback,” said Tran.
A second community stakeholder meeting will likely take place at the end of January 2021 or in February 2021, said Tran.
Preliminary concept designs for McNab Park are anticipated to be ready to be presented in the second quarter of 2021.
The McNab House and Botanical Gardens project is a CRA project that will take place over 2-3 years. There is $2.7 million budgeted for the project.
The McNab House, built in 1926, was moved from its original location on Atlantic Boulevard after the McNab family sold the land for development.
To read about how the McNab house was moved click here.
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