By Danielle Charbonneau
There are 485 more homeless individuals in Broward County this year than there were last year, according to the results of the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, which was conducted on January 23 and estimates the total number of homeless individuals and households in the county during a 24 hour period. The final numbers for the 2019 PIT count were approved by the Continuum of Care Board for submission to HUD yesterday.
The final count reveals that at the time of the 2019 survey, 2,803 individuals were homeless in Broward County. Compared to 2018, which counted 2,318 homeless individuals; and 2017, 2450.
Of those total homeless individuals counted in the 2019 survey, 305 were children; and 855 were considered chronically homeless, which means they have experienced homelessness for at least a year, or repeatedly, while struggling with a disabling conditions such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder or physical disability.
Additionally the report reveals that 233 veterans were homeless (230 veterans in households without children, and three in households with children).
And in the homeless youth category, 108 unaccompanied youth were homeless. And 15 of those youth were chronically homeless.
The PIT count includes both sheltered homeless (those living in emergency shelters or transitional housing) and unsheltered homeless (those living in places deemed not suitable for human habitation). Given the brief amount of time allotted for the actual count, the PIT count is only intended to provide a snapshot of the state of homelessness in a given location in order to provide local, state and federal agencies with any necessary homeless data so that assistance funds may be allocated properly. The surveys are conducted by a team of volunteers and staff at local agencies serving the homeless.
You can read the full reports:
Point-in-Time 2019 Summary
Point-in-Time 2019 Veterans Populations
Point-in-Time 2019 Youth Populations