New Mixed-Use Development Planned for Briny Avenue

An 11-story, multifamily mixed-use development is being planned for a beachfront site located at 580 Briny Avenue in Pompano Beach. The property is currently occupied by the Coral Tides Resort and Beach Club – a 2-story, 17-unit hotel.
The project is currently going through the City’s review process. The proposed development would consist of 20 four-bedroom units with a den/office, plus eight three-bedroom units.
At the southwest corner of the building, there would be 878 square feet of ground-floor commercial space facing Briny Avenue. The ground floor would also include a 5,380-square-foot lobby with amenities, as well as a pool deck overlooking the ocean.
The building would include an underground parking structure. A total of 69 parking spaces would be provided, including 32 double car lifts (64 spaces), two standard spaces and three accessible spaces.
The owner of the property, Ontario-based Claridge Homes Beachboys LP, is requesting a rezoning of the property. According to the rezoning application, the property is 38,761 square feet (0.89 net acres), but only 27,027 square feet of the property can be developed because 11,734 square feet (approximately 30% of the property) lie east of the dune vegetation line.
The current zoning of the property is Multiple-Family Residence 20 (RM-20) within the Atlantic Boulevard Overlay District (AOD). The request is to change the zoning to Planned Development-Infill (PD-I), which would provide more flexibility, while protecting the dune vegetation. The main reason for the PD-I request is to allow for a taller building design.
The existing RM-20 and AOD standards would allow a maximum building height of 105 feet, and would allow the north and south side yard setbacks to be five feet. According to the proposed plan, the building height would be 113 feet.

However, the north side yard setback would be 15 feet and the south side yard setback would be 20 feet, resulting in a more slender building that would reduce obstruction of the east-west view corridors to the beach.
The south end of the project site abuts SE Sixth Street, which provides public access to the beach. The rezoning application states that the increased side yard setbacks would also allow for a wider improved area on the north side of SE Sixth Street with extensive landscaping, “creating a beautified corridor to the beach.”
The property’s current zoning allows for a maximum density of 20 residential units per acre. The property has a future land use designation of Medium-High Residential, which permits 25 residential units per acre and allows for commercial uses. The proposed PD-I zoning would allow for 25 residential units per acre, which is consistent with the maximum density permitted under the city’s comprehensive plan.