

UPDATED: June 1, 2020

LIGHTHOUSE POINT REOPENINGS: Lighthouse Point Mayor Glenn Troast issued an order on Thursday for the reopening of more facilities that had been closed due to the coronavirus crisis, including Exchange Club Park, the beach at DeGroff Park and limited library services.

The City consulted with officials in Pompano Beach, where Exchange Club Park is located, and it was agreed that the park will reopen on June 1, including the beach area along the Intracoastal Waterway. The park is operated and maintained jointly between Pompano Beach and Lighthouse Point.

The opening hours of the park will be from 8am to sunset, and use of the park is to be kept to 1 to 2 hours maximum.

Users of the park must practice physical distancing of a minimum six feet. A facial covering must be worn by anyone within six feet of someone not in their same household.

No recreational programming, pick-up games, organized sports or activities are allowed, or any group gatherings of more than 10 people. A minimum of 50 feet must be maintained between all groups.

The beach at DeGroff Park is now open. The park itself reopened for passive uses on April 30 under a separate order from the mayor.

The use of the beaches at DeGroff Park and Exchange Club Park, including the beaching, landing and anchoring of boats and watercraft, will be the same as set forth in orders issued by Broward County.

Per the current county order, boats must remain at least 50 feet apart at all times, and the roping or tying together of boats or vessels is prohibited. Beaching, landing or anchoring of vessels on sandbars, islands or open shorelines is prohibited.

A county order that allowed cities to reopen beaches on May 26 for limited activities was expanded on Friday. Beginning June 1, in addition to what is already permitted, picnicking, sunbathing, sitting or lying on the beach will be allowed, and beachgoers will also be permitted to use umbrellas, canopies, chairs, loungers and coolers.

Group or organized sports, such as volleyball, are still not allowed, or any group gatherings of more than 10 people. Beachgoers must maintain a minimum six feet of physical distance from each other at all times, including when in the water, except between members of the same household or group. Facial coverings must be worn when social distancing cannot be maintained.

Activities such as swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and walking are permitted.

Not among the Lighthouse Point reopenings is Dan Witt Park, which remains closed until further notice, as per orders previously issued by Troast.

The Lighthouse Point Library is now open for curbside takeout service. Library patrons can reserve physical books, DVDs and audiobooks through the online catalog at lighthousepointlibrary.com or by calling the library at 954-946-6398, Monday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm (closed holidays).

Once library staff have retrieved the requested materials from the shelves, they will call the patron to confirm a pickup time. Bagged and labeled items will be available outside the library at the selected pickup time. Patrons with special needs can request “curbside pickup” (weather permitting), and staff will bring library items out to the trunk of the patron’s car, while maintaining social distancing. 

Starting June 1 at 10am, items checked out from the library can be returned in the outside drop box. Materials checked out in January, February or March 2020 are not due until June 20.

The opening of further library services will be at the discretion of the library director.

For more Lighthouse Point and Pompano Beach news go to our website.

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