
Lighthouse Point Magazine’s City Beat Reporter Marie Puleo. She can be emailed at puleo.marie@gmail.com

By Marie Puleo

As part of the City’s effort to educate voters about the proposed $16.5 million bond issue on the Nov. 6 ballot, multiple community outreach events are scheduled in October. 

The events will have an “open house” format, and will include a PowerPoint presentation of the projects that will be funded by the General Obligation (G.O.) bond issue, if it is approved – the construction of a new fire station that has an emergency operations center and can withstand a Category 5 hurricane, a new recreation building at Dan Witt Park, upgrades to the city’s Public Works facilities, and renovation of the second story of the library.

Mayor Glenn Troast, members of the City Commission and the city’s department heads will be on hand to answer questions. An October event is also scheduled at the Red Fox Diner, and another is tentatively planned there for November.  

Here are the event details:

Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 5:30pm, Dixon Ahl Hall, 2220 NE 38th Street, Lighthouse Point

Thursday, Oct. 11 at 5pm, Red Fox Diner, 2041 NE 36th Street, Lighthouse Point

Saturday, Oct. 27 at 9:30am, Dixon Ahl Hall, 2220 NE 38th Street, Lighthouse Point (includes coffee and donuts)

Thursday, Nov. 1 at 5pm, Red Fox Diner, 2041 NE 36th Street, Lighthouse Point (Tentative)

Presentations will also be held for various community organizations, such as the Rotary Club, Exchange Club and the Soroptomists, and for the Chamber of Commerce and condo associations. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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