Volunteer With LHP Recreation Department

“The recreation department is always looking for volunteers to coach sports, you don’t even need to have children on the team — just knowledge and love of the sport,” said Becky Lysengen, Director of Recreation for the City of Lighthouse Point. “We are looking for former athletes and even empty-nesters to get involved.”
If you go on the City of Lighthouse Point website, there are options on how to get involved. One avenue is to COACH A SPORTS TEAM. The city is always in need of adult volunteers to help with sports leagues. They are looking for individuals who can commit two or three days a week for the eight-week season to coach youth sports teams. The city will provide team equipment and technical support. The following team sports opportunities are available:
• start smart soccer: ages 3 – 4
• co-ed instructional soccer: age 5 – grade 1
• co-ed soccer: grades 2 – 4
• co-ed flag football: grades 5 – 8
• modified coach pitch baseball: grades 2 – 4
• modified coach pitch softball: grades 3 – 5
• kid pitch baseball: grades 5 – 8
• kid pitch softball: grades 6 – 10
Another way to get involved is to SPONSOR A SPORTS TEAM. The recreation department has a $300+ sponsorship program that allows your business to have a 3-foot by 5-foot banner displayed at city parks during the sports season.
There are volunteer opportunities for students as well. Within the recreation department there are INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for college students in sports management, recreation management or even the hospitality industry. For high school students looking for service hours, the coaches always need support for the teams, especially those with younger players. High school students also provide much needed support at the
City of Lighthouse Point’s summer recreation program, which has more than 140 participants on some days.
Additionally, there are EVENTS throughout the year in need of volunteers. This past year marked the first annual LHP 5K, and volunteer opportunities included guiding the path and passing out water. The run was held during Keeper Days. It is anticipated that even more volunteers will be needed next year. Speaking of Keeper Days, the Sunday sports event is always an opportunity for teens to earn volunteer hours helping younger children. Add on to this Lighthouse A Glow, the Halloween in the Park event and the annual Easter Egg Hunt, all of which need volunteers. Many of the above-mentioned opportunities can be for either individuals or groups. Other group opportunities include clean up and gardening events, or even groups keeping up with the fields.
Finally, there is the opportunity to volunteer on a CITY BOARD, which provides citizens an opportunity to help shape policy in Lighthouse Point. Residents are invited to complete an application for a position on a city board or committee. If you are interested, contact the city clerk for an application. The following boards/committees are available:
• Keeper Days committees
• Planning and zoning board
• Recreation/cultural arts committee
• Code enforcement board
• Library advisory board
• Community appearance board
• Marine advisory board
• Personnel appeals board
• Tennis advisory committee
These are just some of the volunteer opportunities available within the City of Lighthouse Point. If you are interested in coaching, volunteering or sponsorship please call 954-784-3439 or email lhprec@lighthousepoint.com. Happy volunteering![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]