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An essay, photography and art contest for the young and old in our communities during these historic times. Point! Publishing is inviting residents and visitors in the North Broward Beaches area to submit essays, photographs and drawings for possible publication and selection for prizes. We are trying to do our little part to promote local restaurants who are struggling in this extraordinary pandemic by offering gift certificates as prizes hoping to stimulate the economy for restauranteurs.
Sponsors can help support this effort by purchasing gift certificates to their favorite restaurants. Learn more here. The contest is currently sponsored by Point! Publishing.
Essay Topics
For Students
How I think the coronavirus will shape my future.
What I’ve learned from the pandemic. 
For Adults
How will I live life differently after this crisis?
What I think we should do to solve the coronavirus pandemic & other world problems.
Art Contest
“What I like best about my town”

We invite you to enter your best drawing or painting in our youth art contest.

“Life in the time of Corona”
Capture life here during this time.


We will be choosing first, second, third prizes in all categories. 

All winners will be announced Tuesday, March 31st at noon.



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Deadline for submissions is March 27, 2020.




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All submissions will be reviewed by at least two Point! Publishing editors. Essays are reviewed “blind”: the judges do not know the authors’ names or any other information about them. The judges’ decisions are final.

  • Essays will be evaluated using the following criteria:
    • Focus—The thesis/main message is clear and supported throughout. The essay does not stray from the main message.
    • Organization & Structure—The essay is organized and well-structured. Author demonstrates command of grammar, spelling and mechanics.
    • Voice/Originality—The essay uses a highly engaging and personal style. The author finds fresh or interesting ways to convey ideas. The author approaches the topic from a unique perspective.
    • Evidence of Personal Reflection—The essay demonstrates that the author has genuinely explored the topic/question and how it relates to his or her own life. The essay reflects a depth in reflection.


All artwork submissions will be judged by Point! Publishing’s creative director and graphics designer. Art will be reviewed blind. The judges’ decisions for the youth art contest are final.



All photography submissions will be judged by Point! Publishing’s creative director and graphics designer. Photos submitted will be reviewed blind. The judges’ decisions for the photography contest are final.


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1. Can I submit more than one essay, photograph or artwork? No, each participant can submit one entry in each category for consideration. 

2. Can I submit an essay and an art piece? Yes, one submission per category will be accepted.

3. Do you publish more than one winner? Yes, we will publish the top three winners in each category digitally on the web, in Coastal News and on social media channels. Winners may also be published in print, but that is not guaranteed at this time.

4. Is there a midnight deadline on March 27? Yes, all submissions must be received on or before 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, March 27th. 

Any other questions? Please email us at publisher@pointpubs.com and we will be happy to help.

We look forward to reading all the submissions and seeing the creative works from the neighbors in our communities. Good luck to all the participants!


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Up to $1,000 in Prizes! At this time prizes are sponsored by Point! Publishing. 

In addition, the winners will be published digitally on the web, in Coastal News and on social media. Click here for more.




Florida Highwaymen Art Show and Sale Is Postponed



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